Globalization and information and communication technology in and for nonformal secondary education in Tanzania and Uganda

Blackson Kanukisya



In this study I examined the availability of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) facilities and the utilization of these resources in nonformal secondary schools in Tanzania and Uganda. We used a comparative, embedded-case study design. Questionnaires, interviews, and documentary reviews were used to collect data. Research respondents included the educational officials in the ministries of education, heads of institutions, adult educators, and adult students. The data were collected in Dar es salaam, Tanzania, and Kampala, Uganda. The required sample size was obtained through purposive sampling and then stratified. It was found that Tanzania and Uganda have seemingly good policies on aims for development and the use of ICT facilities in the provision of secondary education. The study found that none of the four centers (two in Tanzania and two in Uganda) had computer laboratory, and there were no computers means for teaching and learning. Only one center had computers but these computers were not used for teaching and learning. However, the study found that some of the adult students were computer literate and they used the skills in Internet cafes for various purposes but not for school-related learning. A comparative study of the two countries has found that they have many characteristics in common in terms of ICT developments and application. Both countries had "ICT in education" policies. However, implementation of these policies in nonformal secondary education institutions is far from practice. More investment and policy implementation is needed to make students in nonformal centers use ICT for learning.


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